

Welcome to my website. I hope that by the time you’re done here that you are feeling ready to face the world! I’ll share more about my failures and fears than I will my successes and courage, because we all need to remember that we’re not alone. So sit back, relax and maybe even laugh and learn a little from my journey!

Counting Again, and Again and Again

Nothing has changed my outlook on life more than gratitude. When I’m living disciplined in the grace of gratitude, I am productive and happy. When I allow my circumstances and feelings to dictate my level of thanksgiving, I am crabby and my outlook is grim.

Gratitude brings joy, not just to the receiver, but also to the giver. And the more you give, the greater it grows. It was during one of the darkest times in my life that I learned most about the gift of gratitude. My now ex-husband was beginning to show signs of mental illness, we were behind on every bill and none of our cars were working. There didn’t seem to be much to be grateful for.

It was then that I read a book called A Thousand Gifts, by Ann Voskamp. In the middle of her own set of dark circumstances someone challenged her to write down 1000 things to be grateful for. Soon after she started, she was hooked and she never stopped. I wish I could say that I never stopped, but i have…and I need to start again, and again and again.

My life has always had unexpected twists and turns. I’ve always had someone else to blame. Recently, I made a grown up decision all by myself to pick up and move. I really felt led of the Lord. There were also some very wise financial benefits to the move, not to mention family would be there. It was hard, but I obeyed what I felt was God’s leading.

Lots of things seemed to go wrong. My co-workers ended up hating me, which was a new sensation for me. Although my bosses were all for me, my co-workers hated me so much that they put a dead fish in my office. I felt betrayed, and frightened to be so far away from what was familiar and then something so bizarre to happen. I quit. It had been fairly easy for me to get that job, I thought it would be fairly easy to get another. 6 months and over 100 applications later, I still hadn’t had an offer.

It wasn’t just employment that seemed to be going wrong. There had been an earthquake, several tornadoes, and epic flooding. I was also stung five times by wasps. Even after things settled down a bit and we purchased a lovely home, it had a temporary infestation of giant water bug cockroaches.

But you know what? If I had just opened my eyes and seen! The same experiences would have been so different! If I had started a new Tulsa, Oklahoma list, it could have read like this.

  1. Before we moved to our house, I had a perfect apartment to share with my mom when she came that was over $200 less than my mortgage in Homewood.

  2. I lived close (less than 10 minutes) to both my son and longtime friends the Bakers.

  3. Frequent dinners at my son’s new apartment showed his open heart and hospitality.

  4. The care shown by the Baker family while John and I often fled to their home during tornadic weather.

  5. Although the tornado went right over John’s apartment, nothing was damaged and no one was hurt.

  6. I LOVE the mission and direction of my new church! Introducing people to the real Jesus!

  7. My best friend flew out to see me and spend time with me. Love you Lori!

  8. I got to visit my home church and friends on the way to helping my mom move.

  9. There is a bird that sings here that is so happy and cheerful.

  10. My courageous mom is with me on this journey.

  11. In between severe weather outbursts, it was the most beautiful spring I’ve ever experienced.

  12. Although summer was scorching, our utilities weren’t too awful.

  13. Our new house is beautiful and getting lovelier all the time.

  14. I’ve had three amazing small groups already!

  15. Autumn has been gorgeous! Warm weather and beautiful color.

  16. Everything is different and fun to explore.

  17. I LOVE my part time job, even if it is temporary. I get to influence children.

  18. I have beautiful wood floors again that reflect the warmth of sunshine.

  19. Our neighbors are beyond friendly, welcoming and kind.

  20. My Mary Kay has supernaturally lasted, even though when I moved in March I thought I was almost out.

  21. My Aveda shampoo has supernaturally lasted.

  22. Gas is only $2.15 a gallon here.

  23. My co-workers are some of the nicest people I’ve ever met.

  24. I get to share a dog with none of the financial or scary responsibilities! :)

  25. I got an unexpected Thanksgiving card from someone I love.

  26. I can choose to start counting any time.

    Can I challenge you to the holy act of counting too? Can we give thanks together and experience God’s presence as a result? We enter His gates with Thanksgiving…Thanksgiving ushers in His presence and therefore ushers in His joy. For in His presence is fullness of joy. I’ll share my list, and you can share yours too.

Happy Thanksgiving to all of you…I love you. I miss those of you back in Illinois, and I am grateful for all of you here in Tulsa who have made me feel so at home!

A Star, A Sage, A Shepherd and An Innkeeper

God's Grace Is Big Enough: A Look at the Lives of the Apostle Paul and Kanye West