

Welcome to my website. I hope that by the time you’re done here that you are feeling ready to face the world! I’ll share more about my failures and fears than I will my successes and courage, because we all need to remember that we’re not alone. So sit back, relax and maybe even laugh and learn a little from my journey!

A Star, A Sage, A Shepherd and An Innkeeper


Blue starlight shafts through dark-and-dusty cave

illuminating child-yet-King.

The Heavens declare His glory.


Three wise men travel months, perhaps years

to find Him – to experience Him,

bringing gifts fit for a King.


Shepherd’s work is interrupted abruptly

by skies full of angels

singing His praise.


An innkeeper misses the chance of a lifetime:

to host the most important human ever.

He shuts the door on opportunity.


“I can’t, there’s no room for you,” he objects.

“I’m full already, and I won’t turn myself out.”

No Vacancy sign flashes red.


It never knocks again, this chance to host a King.

And I wonder…which of these four characters 

am I?


Starlight declaring glory? Boldly announcing His coming?

Wise sage searching Him out? Bringing gifts?

A shepherd recognizing significance? Dropping everything to see?

Or an innkeeper full of everything and everyone? Except for the only Thing and the only One who matters, turning Him away?


May I shine forth His glory to a dark and dusty world.

May I seek Him, no matter how long – until I find Him.

May I allow myself Divine interruptions to capture a moment.

May I never turn Him out of my home because I have no room for Him there.

Counting this weeks beautiful moments:

26. Long walks by the river with mom on December 70 degree days

27. Giggles with school children

28. A small group who gives back to the community

29. Prayers that avail

30. The best Christmas sermon I’ve ever heard .

32. New opportunities

33. Family coming

34. Christmas present ideas

35. Family forgiveness

36. Crying together

37. Peace and goodwill toward men in the world of my heart

38. Good News

39. Clear blue skies and bright sunshine

40. Evergreen and holly winning over cold

41. $1.88 a gallon gas

42. Living in a location where I only have to fill my tank once every 3 weeks

43. People who are grateful for tiny things that I don’t even notice that I’ve done

44. Extra spicy ginger beer

45. Candied pecans and they way they make the house smell

46. Cleansing tears and medicated laughing

47. I can be made an instrument for noble purposes, made holy, useful to the Master and prepared to do any good work…

48. I can consult the wisest being in the Universe before making plans…

49. Clean foods and how good they make you feel

50. Cool Oklahoma nights with bright stars

What We Can Learn From All The Things We Hate About Christmas or How Amazon Can't Kill Christmas

What We Can Learn From All The Things We Hate About Christmas or How Amazon Can't Kill Christmas

Counting Again, and Again and Again